Welcome to the Portland Fashion Week Store, where our highest quality logo’d merchandise is both ethically sourced, and ethically sold.
100% of proceeds benefit our “New and Expecting Mommies’ Fund” allowing us at Portland Fashion Week to help some of our community members who are most in need.
If you know of a new or expecting mommy who might benefit from our help, be that with groceries, a bill, or clothing please do not hesitate to let us know. info@portlandfashionweek.net or if in case of an emergency where formulae or diapers are needed please call 971-300-3648 at any time.

Portland Fashion Week Logo’d Merchandise…..
100% of merchandise sales to directly benefit the Portland Fashion Week New and Expecting Mommies Fund.
Portland Fashion Week merchandise
Coming soon……The Portland Fashion Week “E”-Volving Showroom, featuring entire collections from featured past, present, and future Portland Fashion Week designers!