The Portland Fashion Foundation est. 2015 to expressly elevate Portland, Oregon within the world fashion community.
First, We Dreamt It.
It all began with the idea to lift independent emerging fashion designers beyond any heights they alone might ever have achieved. Our collective strengths melded into a creative genius without par. A creative genius which then launched a world respected fashion week. A fashion week with sustainability and inclusiveness at our core.
Then, We Build it.
Through literally decades of tireless work our vision coalesced. A vision the efforts of which first brought sustainable and plus sized fashions to the buying public’s eyes. A vision then proving to the more recognized brands and labels that yes, green and plus fashion were indeed genuine, not just trends to mock, to pass on, or to fade away.
Finally, We Grew It.
Through our numerous ancillary events which have included Lady Gaga, Noritaka Tatehaha, The Better Living Show, Rock the Runways, Daryl Hanna, Ovi Mugheli, Portland politicos and now Hollywood celebrities with our still secret Malibu, CA events, the PFF is showing that Portland Fashion Week has become multi-faceted for many people..
Originally conceived as the governing body for Portland, Oregon USA fashion related events by allowing nascent designers a chance to showcase which might not have been allotted, our purpose has expanded to encompass additional altruistic endeavors wherever possible.
Endeavors such as our 23 year running “Veteran’s Day Annual Clothing Drive”, our now 5 year old “New and Expecting Mommies’ Fund” helping new families meet monthly living expenses, our “Fashionable Food Fridays” conducted weekly since 2019 in support of SnowCap, and most recently providing those in need of food and shelter via our support of Rose Haven Women and Children Day Shelter. As well as providing a crucial leadership role in a wide ranging industry now comprised of so many disparate individuals and companies.
Finally, and most importantly the Portland Fashion Foundation is become a beacon of morality within the fashion and style communities as we stand in faces of far too many willing to do far too much harm within an industry which we helped form, simply for their own economic enrichment and or amoral indulgences. Lending our support and information to individuals, law enforcement and law makers battling human traffickers and trafficking, we have just begun, and vow to do more. #METOO #EndSexTrafficking #HUMANTRAFFICKING
The Portland Fashion Foundation, leading our Portland fashion, style, and beauty communities into the 21st century