5th of July

Beach Cleanup Events

Every year after the 4th of July celebrations, the Oregon coast is left littered with fireworks, cans, and more. Oregon is an amazing place and worth celebrating! SOLVE in partnership with Oregon Parks and Recreation and Surfrider Foundation's Newport Chapter is calling all volunteers to help with this one-day beach cleanup effort. Join an organized cleanup on July 5th to help get our beaches back to looking clean and pristine.

So join us as Portland Fashion Week does our part to help keep Oregon Green! info@portlandfashionweek.net to get on the team!

Links to July 5th Beach Cleanup Events! 

Agate Beach Cleanup - Surfrider Foundation - Newport Chapter

Beverly Beach Cleanup - Surfrider Foundation - Newport Chapter

Roads End Beach and Neighborhood Clean-up - Lincoln City

Lincoln City - 15th Street Beach Access Cleanup - Lincoln City

Nye Beach Cleanup - Surfrider Foundation - Newport Chapter

Oregon Coast Aquarium Beach Cleanup - Newport

Patterson Park and Beach Cleanup - Walport

Rockaway Beach Ocean's Edge Wayside Cleanup - Rockaway

Seaside Treasure the Beach Cleanup - Seaside

Click here to see the complete SOLVE events calendar

Save the Date for the

Beach & Riverside Cleanup 

After the 5th of July, our next big beach cleanup event is the Beach and River Cleanup. Every September, SOLVE hosts dozens of cleanups at beaches, rivers, and waterfronts all over the state.  If you are interested in leading your own beach or river event, please let us know. We will provide all interested event leaders with training, project planning and volunteer recruitment support, a registration platform, and free cleanup supplies. Please email us with any questions at info@solveoregon.org or click the button below for more details.



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