Ending Human Trafficking!

We at Portland Fashion Week are o proud of our strong friend Diana Guttman! She powered this thru all by herself! Her story is both sad and cautionary and he has taken bad and made into good to protect futures of many young people of Oregon!

Below is an email from Diana, we encourage all to support this!

I am happy to announce that the Peace of Mind Bill (SB 816) is scheduled for its first Senate committee hearing on Monday, February 13th at 1pm. The meeting is a crucial first step in the future passing of SB 816 in this current 2023 legislative season. We have proposed SB 816 to be declared an emergency, meaning that the Peace of Mind bill will be effective on passage because for the Survivor it is always an emergency. 

This is our opportunity to raise our voices in support of the Peace of Mind Bill, SB 816. Your testimony is welcomed and encouraged! You can sign up to give verbal and/ or written testimony ( Glenn & I will be signing up to do both). I have included a modified Constituent support letter for SB816 2023 Regular Session to this email (in addition to making it a hyperlink, for ease). I have also included a contact list for all Oregon state legislators by district, in a google doc. I need your help in spreading awareness for this upcoming Senate meeting. Please share this email with friends, family, neighbors, ect.; anyone who believes in equal opportunity for all people in the state of Oregon and making the legislative system more inclusive to Survivors of violence and abuse! 

Taking the next steps:

Anyone can provide testimony to express their support for SB 816, the Peace of Mind Bill, to be heard during the public hearing on Monday, February 13th at 1pm. Thank you for all of your help in spreading awareness for this upcoming Senate meeting.

One voice can make a dent but the voices of many will have a greater impact to invoke positive change for our community!

Overview of the Peace of Mind Bill SB 816:

Problem Statement

When a petitioner files for a protective order against a respondent, they are given 12 months until that order expires. 

The respondent is given 1 month to file a Motion to Contest, and if they do so, then the petitioner must show up to every related hearing to maintain the protection order. 

Though necessary, this system allows skilled manipulators to use coincidences to legally harass their victims by dragging out the process for the entire duration of the order, denying the petitioner any peace of mind. No matter how long the Motion to Contest lasts, the original expiration date of the order may not move. 

Skilled manipulators' methods may have the appearance of legitimacy (such as but not limited to examples from case 17PO09385 in which the respondent provided the "wrong" mailing address, and claimed a vehicular delay when a detective would be present at the hearing), and it is impossible to fairly use targeted amendments to account for the innumerable coincidences. It is a problem that a vindictive respondent is able to waste tax dollars and court's time in retaliation by disruptively forcing the petitioner to engage through the woefully repurposed "Justice System."

Solution statement

We propose that a new expiration date of the initial protective order be determined at the conclusion of the Motion to Contest. Unless a different date is specified by the overseeing judge,  the automatic new expiration date will be 12 months from the conclusion of the motion to contest.

If no contest is filed in the first place, the expiration is one year from the original filing date. No changes are prescribed in this case. If the order is contested, and takes more than 30 days to resolve, the initial expiration date is unacceptable, and must be extended to allow the petitioner to have their year of peace of mind knowing that their attacker must stay away from them.

We propose the Peace of Mind Bill as an emergency because for all Survivors of violence and abuse, it is an emergency.



Diana Gutman

Public safety is a community effort!


Diana Gutman

Survivor/ victims advocate & human rights activist 

She / Her / Hers | They / Them / Theirs

Email: diana.marie.og1@gmail.com

Daily Manna with Diana

Instagram: @diana_marie_og

YouTube: Self-Care & Soul Cooking with Diana Gutman

I am a disabled combat Veteran living with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to being hit by an improvised explosive device (IED). As a Veteran I fight for social justice and advocate for equality as a Survivor/ victims advocate and as a human rights activist.

In 2019 I proposed Oregon State House Bill 2746- the Hope Card program (ORSHB2746 was signed into effect on 7/14/2021). In 2018 I proposed Oregon State House Bill3117 and had it declared as an emergency- because for the Survivor it is an emergency (ORSHB3117 was signed into effect on 5/22/2019).

I am a public figure who uses my gifts of acting, singing & public speaking to raise awareness on issues that we face as a community.

I embrace my Indigenous heritage and the knowledge and truth passed down from my elders in the Indigenous community.

 Constituent support letter for SB816 2023 Regul...

 Out of state Constituent support letter for ORS...

  Oregon State Legislature Email/ contact inform...


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